
Boree Canopies patio and grill protection

Add a canopy to your business or home and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.

Large metal canopies and awnings for public pools

If you are considering an addition to your home, a canopy over your deck or a patio offers a long-term solution to needed space at a lower cost. Your deck/patio will be shaded from the hot sun rays as well as provide outdoor protection during a rainy day for your entire family.

Boree canopy covers for sport courts and parked campers

You could even add drop down curtains/roll up curtains to provide protection from the cold on top of still being able to enjoy the extra room and the beauty of the outdoors. Call 904-388-8770 to start customizing your canopy!

Boree custom carport canopies and protection

Boree Canvas Unlimited can custom build a carport or a boathouse to shield your vehicles and boats from the damaging effects of the sun and rain. This will preserve your investment and save you money….guaranteed!

Additional Canopy Photos

canopies and protection for public gathering areas, parks
Boree commercial metal canopies in Jacksonville
boat dock canvas canopy in Jacksonville Florida
covered entrance walkways for businesses
home, backyard shade and covering with an awning